Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Night Audit Report

There are only two rooms in house tonight, so hopefully I will have something interesting to post before the night is over. I have a lot of experiences that guests have told me since I started, as well as things that have happened to me that I have been trying to figure out how to post. I can't remember room numbers or dates, but the details of the events themselves are still pretty fresh in my head. So I think I'll just relate them the best I can, mark them as 3rd hand where applicable, and let them stand on their own.

One morning a guest came down and during our conversation he told me that he almost came down to see if he could get put into another room. As he lay down to go to sleep, he felt pressure on his chest as though someone was pushing him down. He heard the words "The bedding is for the patients." The temperature in his room rose so much that he had to open a window and abandon his blanket. This was at about 2 in the morning, and although it was wintertime, I had shut the boiler off about an hour before his experience.

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